South of Chicago Area

June 29, 2003

This is the church of St. John the Forerunner, Genuine Orthodox Church of Greece, the Synod of Archbishop Chrysostomos. At first the building belonged to some Protestants, but the parish got it some time ago and is planning to rebuild it, because actually the building is not large enough. Unfortunately I forgot to make a general picture of interior, but the church is very beautiful inside. For example this is the icon of St.John, the patron of the parish

And this is Father Christos Pittos, rector of the church:

Chanters. The singing in the church is very beautiful, a real Christian Orient. They sing the tone, and only one person chants the words. Two young gentlemen on the picture are sons of Father Christos. The eldest, Leonidos, is working on his Master Thesis in the University. His area is Byzantine history, but he knows also Russian history better than many Russians, and quite a lot of other things. He helps a lot to Father Christos in parish work. The second son, Nectarios (named after St.Nectarios of Aegina) studies Urban planning, i.e. how to build True Orthodox cites, I guess:-) Anyway, good Christians are needed in every area.

And this is whole the family of Father Christos: his Matushka Elena and their seven children. All the children are very pious and smart. The family is really very nice. Simply look at them.

Father Christos is saying a sermon. He said it both in Greek and English.

And this is Father Christos with his daughter Maria near the church.

Here is another church in this area. It is dedicated to St.Kosmas and Damianos and also to St.Nectarios. It was founded in 1969, Father Christos (who was not a priest then) and his Presbiteria vere among its founders. They were married here, and all their children were baptized in this church. Now Father Iakovos serves here.

Father Iakovos and Father Christos. Father Iakovos is from Georgia (former USSR), but he speaks fluent Greek (also Russian and Georgian).

Iconostasis of the church:

And the last picture is very important. This is the chapel of Holy Archangels in the house of Father Christos. They serve daily Martins here every morning.