ROAC in pictures:-) Web-site of nun Xenia about Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church. Xenia list for True Orthodox people Last updated:
April 17, 2007. I have finally made the first updates to my web-site. Actually, most of the pages need the updates like this. I will add them slowly but surely.
December 1, 2006. Trip to the Northern Thebaid, Part 2. Actually, I made it earlier, but I forgot to add the link.
September 16, 2006. Trip to the Northern Thebaid.
April 25, 2006. Links were updated.
June 8. The trip of Metropolitan Valentine to the USA (May-June 2005).
March 5. Pictures of ordination of Father Siluan, the first Argentinean priest of ROAC.
Pictures (c) Olga Mitrenina
Here you will find not only pictures and pictures not only about ROAC. Originally it was simply a place where I used to download some materials for our English-speaking friends. Slowly but surely the number of the visitors was increasing, and I started to add documents and other things. But now our Church has the official
web-site. So, if you need information, it is better to go there, because my information here is often out of date, I never have time to update it. I still continue developing this web-page mostly for friends, including the unknown ones. But enemies are also welcome:-)